GTP’s Annual Spring AP Exam Review Program to be Largest Yet
The Global Teaching Project provides promising high school students from rural Mississippi communities access to AP STEM courses they need to achieve their full potential, but which their schools typically could not otherwise offer.
Those AP courses—in Biology, Physics, and Computer Science—are offered as classes that are part of the regular high school curriculum, which are supplemented by various programs, including immersive, university-based instructional programs held each summer, winter, and spring, with the spring program specifically designed to prepare students for the upcoming AP exams, which are administered in May.
In past years, the Spring Review program has been held at various Mississippi colleges and universities, including Delta State University, the University of Mississippi, and Mississippi State University.
This year, in an effort to reach even more students from our rural school partners, we are bringing the Spring Program to them! Our Spring 2023 Review Program will be conducted over several weeks beginning in late March and will take place at each of our participating high schools. As a result, each of our hundreds of students will have an opportunity to participate.
Our Spring 2023 Review Program will provide students an opportunity to review AP Exam logistics, take a full practice exam, and review the exam questions and answers with Teaching Assistants (TAs) who are STEM majors at, or recent graduates of, leading universities, such as Yale, Virginia, Harvard.
- First, in late March, the TA assigned to each class will spend 1-2 tutoring sessions discussing exam logistics–how the exams will be administered, how long the exams will last, what resources are permitted during testing, and the types of questions and tasks that need to be addressed.
- Second, in early April, we will enable the In-class teachers to administer a full-length practice exam with students. Students will also be able to celebrate the completion of their practice exams with a Pizza Party that we sponsor!
- Third, and finally, in mid-April, TAs will devote follow-up time to go over troublesome test areas and test-taking strategies. By going through the test questions, our TAs can help students identify not only correct responses, but help students to understand the reasoning behind the response.
Our hope is to ensure that our students are prepared and confident going into May!